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吟飞•EFNOTE | Steve Ferrone 大师课精彩回顾

 2021-01-26 | 阅读次数:792

北京时间1月10日上午11点,由吟飞美国Artesia Pro 公司带来的「 Steve Ferrone 大师课」直播圆满结束。在 EnterTalkLive这个网络平台,来自世界各地的鼓手和Steve Ferrone的粉丝们汇聚一堂,聊音乐、听音乐,听传奇鼓手的经验分享、探讨玩鼓秘籍......热烈的现场气氛,与名人的近距离交流,伴着EFNOTE电子鼓的魅力与乐队的精彩演绎,让人回味无穷。

大师课开播之初,在线等候的鼓手和粉丝们就被带进美妙的音乐世界。 Steve和他的乐队朋友们(吉他手Michael Mose, 贝斯手James East,键盘手Bobby Cressy和萨克斯手Jason Weber )现场演绎的 Pick Up The Pieces 、 School Boy Crush 等多首经典曲目,充满了欢愉和回忆,大家对他们的演奏充满赞赏,纷纷发表感慨。 “ The band sounds great and the Efnote five sounds great!

(乐队听起来很棒,EFNOTE 5听起来也很棒!) ”

“ This feels more exciting than the new years count down!

(这感觉比新年倒数还刺激!) ”

“ taking me back to our middle school dance days.

(带我们回到了中学舞蹈时代) ”

“ This is my favorite game to watch ever.

(这是我最喜欢看的片段) ”

“ We want to continue bring music to everyone even in this pandemic world.

(我们想继续把音乐带给大家,即使在疾病流行的世界里) ”



I want to hear Steve's thoughts when he sang "You don't know how it Feels" for Tom birthday in 2019.

(我想听听Steve在2019年的Tom生日演唱 "You don't know how it Feels"时的想法)

I'd like to hear from Steve some anecdotes about "you don't know how it feels" by Tom Petty! in that song he doesn't do Drum fill or Crash.

我想听听Steve关于Tom Petty的 "you don't know how it feels "的一些轶事!在那首歌里,他没有参与鼓镲的部分

I believe the album was Wildflowers that you had to record 1 drum at a time? Can you talk about how that experience.

我相信这张专辑是Wildflowers,您一次只能录制1张鼓吗? 您能谈谈这种经历吗?

I would lke to hear Steve talk about recording Wildflowers as well.



You mentioned the 8 channel output earlier. If you add additional pads, can you output them as well?

您之前提到了8通道输出。 如果添加其他打击垫,是否也可以输出?

Can you talk about how you would play "breakdown".


Please share your insights and wisdom on your aprproach on recording a new original song.(请在录制新原歌的方式上分享您的见解和智慧)

when you are recording from your home studio, do you change ev your kit


Can I buy a shirt and pair of sticks used by Dr. Ferrone?


what are some of your health/practice tips for staying in shape on the road?




EFNotes are really nice! Can't wait to play them again.

(EFNPTE非常好!等不及要再玩一次 ) ”

Not even lying, I didn’t realize that kit was electronic. Superb sound!


would make a great clubbing kit and sound so acoustic miced up.


His groove and backbeat are legendary.


“they look and feel like acoustic but there is no tone to the drums.


hihat tracks the dynamics and opening really well. Hihat.


Kit seriously sounds great. Couldn't tell it from an acoustic kit.


I like the look and sound of this kit because it’s more like an acoustic style. (我喜欢这套鼓的外观和声音,它充满原声风格)”

在轻松愉悦的氛围中,一首充满期待和梦想的I Wish圆满地结束了此次大师课。

遥远的距离阻隔不住大家对音乐的喜爱和对Steve Ferrone的迷恋,来自世界各地的鼓手和粉丝,通过网络的连线,相聚在「Steve Ferrone 大师课」现场,渡过了一段欢乐充实的时光,见证着EFNOTE这个新生品牌的魅力和实力!


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